Youth experiencing unsafe situations at home face the choice of staying in an abusive living situation or leaving home and trying to make it on their own. Launched in February 2024, LCYC and the YMCA Social Impact Center teamed up to develop a Prevention Youth Engagement Team model to provide holistic support for youth with complex issues that require both legal and non-legal support.
Jay's Story: The Future Awaits
2025 Legislative Priorities
Announcing CYRAH: Online Advocacy Hub for Attorneys Representing Youth in Child Welfare Matters
LCYC Selected to Receive Outstanding Children's Law Office Award
2024 Systemic Advocacy Updates
Catching Up with Former LCYC Interns
Pro Bono Spotlight: Matt Gurr
Matt's professional and personal skills have been invaluable in his volunteer work. From client interactions to drafting legal documents, his expertise has made a significant impact on the success of each youth. As he continues his journey with LCYC, Matt envisions further collaboration and expansion of services to help even more individuals in need.