Elena's Story: Conquering Fears and Triumphing

Elena* has an easy-going personality and makes people around her feel safe and comfortable. That’s because she is a caring and empathetic person – she feels a lot for other people. Her friends would all say she is a happy and joyful person. Elena enjoys drawing with acrylic and pencil – from landscapes to portraits to doodling – “it’s a breather for me.” 

When LCYC first met Elena as a 20-year-old high school student, she was overwhelmed with fear. Fear of violence from an ex-boyfriend; fear of homelessness; fear of arrest and deportation; fear of crushing medical debt. Despite this, she was making every effort to attend school and obtain her high school diploma. Elena was in regular communication with her school counselor and sought help from her community, including LCYC and Choose 180.

LCYC received a referral for legal services for Elena from her high school counselor. Elena was seeking legal support because she was afraid of her ex-boyfriend as a survivor of domestic violence.

Elena was afraid to continue living with her mother because her ex knew where she lived. She was couch-hopping and considering going to a domestic violence shelter for her safety. Elena and her LCYC attorney discussed pursuing a protection order, but Elena was too afraid to file and attend court hearings because of an active warrant.

Another major reason for Elena’s fears of arrest was her undocumented status. She did not want to be deported from jail or prison. As a victim of child abuse by her father, Elena was eligible for Special Immigrant Juvenile Status (SIJS), which allowed her a path to citizenship. Obtaining this status is a two-part process. LCYC assisted Elena in the first part - obtaining state orders that found Elena risked substantial harm if returned to her home county. The second part, a federal immigration action, was handled in partnership with an immigration attorney.

Elena also had significant medical debt from when she was a passenger in a car accident. At her mother’s urging, Elena went to the emergency room for injuries to her leg, but because she is undocumented, Elena did not have health insurance. LCYC worked with the hospital’s Charity Care program to have her outstanding medical bills forgiven.

Elena was eventually arrested and placed in custody pending her criminal matters. LCYC, the immigration attorney, and the Choose 180 advocate worked together to help mitigate Elena’s criminal charges so that it did not affect her citizenship application.

While in custody she continued to be harassed and threatened by her ex-boyfriend and his connections. When Elena’s criminal case was resolved and she was released, Elena entered a domestic violence shelter and continued to work with Choose 180 and LCYC to stay safe. With LCYC’s support, Elena successfully sought a protection order against her abuser, which will protect her for the rest of her life.

In moments when it felt like the end of the world, it helped to have my LCYC lawyer there to explain how things can get better.
— Elena

With her criminal cases resolved, her immigration applications pending, medical debt forgiven, and domestic violence protection order in place – Elena is ready to move forward.

Elena wants to become a counselor or social worker to give back to the community. How and whether she works will depend on the outcome of her immigration applications, but Elena is doing everything she can to follow her dream. Even through these multiple crises, Elena earned her high school diploma. She is now a student at Community College and majoring in Human Resources. She is engaged with Creative Justice where she is learning to lead healing circles. She hopes to work there in the future. Elena is also an advocate with the Youth Consortium at Community Passageways.


*The client’s name has been changed to protect their privacy. LCYC was given permission to share their story.