Young people between ages 12-24 who are experiencing, or at risk of, housing instability in Clark County are eligible for LCYC’s free civil legal services.
Housing instability includes, but is not limited to: homelessness, couch surfing, struggling to access emergency shelter, temporarily living with friends or family, facing eviction, or feeling unsafe/unwelcome at home.
Legal Services
Services provided can include legal advice, mediation or negotiation, and court representation. Below are examples of civil legal issues that LCYC can address. This is not a complete list. If you are unsure if LCYC can address your issue, contact us.
LCYC does not have a physical office space. Attorneys meet with young people in locations of their choosing, where they feel comfortable.
If facing eviction, call:
Clark County Volunteer Lawyer Program at (360) 695-5313.
“The LCYC attorney is EXCELLENT in all areas of law and representation, specifically youth representation. The only attorney around who gets through the child’s point of view with handwritten declarations. ”