Young people between ages 12-24 who are experiencing, or at risk of, housing instability in Skagit County are eligible for LCYC’s free civil legal services.
Housing instability includes, but is not limited to: homelessness, couch surfing, struggling to access emergency shelter, temporarily living with friends or family, facing eviction, or feeling unsafe/unwelcome at home.
Legal Services
Services provided can include legal advice, mediation or negotiation, and in-court advocacy. Below are examples of civil legal issues that LCYC can address. This is not a complete list. If you are unsure if LCYC can address your issue, contact us.
LCYC does not have a physical office space. Attorneys meet with young people in locations of their choosing, where they feel comfortable.
“I am glad they helped me and are helping other kids like me. I appreciate everything they have done for me. My recovery and my future wouldn’t be possible without them.”